Entries tagged with “kalea”.

I do a lot of pre-school activities with Alex. Most of the time we do this in the afternoon when the “little ones” are napping in the afternoon. Kalea is starting to show some interest in more learning activities too. She likes to read a BUNCH more than she used to, she is liking to color and do “letter a” with Alex on the iPad. (it is a starfall app). I have been trying to come up with some kind of pared down activities that would be fun and learning for both kids. I of course loved when I found this idea on pinterest. (yep, there is my newest addiction again)

I had the kids making sensory bottles. They LOVED it. Kalea especially (which was my goal!) Here are the supplies I used.

Clear beverage bottles, scrunched foil, little plastic bracelets, marbles, dice, rubber bands

I had the bottles, foil and rubber bands, everything else I got in the dollar toy aisle at Dollar General. I cut the beads off the string so there was more individually to put in.

I filled the bottles half full of water then gave each kid half of the supplies to put in.

Kalea was dressed as a princess for the activity.


They both did a great job dropping the small objects into the small holes. I was pretty impressed with their hand-eye-coordination, the rubber bands gave them a bit of a problem, but once I showed them how to kinda ball them up Kalea figured it out right away and wouldn’t let me help her anymore. =)

Please excuse the hair, this was a no hair-do day.

Alex got a decent amount of enjoyment from the bottles. It opened up a great conversation about differences in weight, how all the heavy stuff sank to the bottom and the light all floated. I would ask them to look for a certain color and they would turn their bottles till they found it. Kalea really really loved it, she carried with her all day, just spinning it all around and looking and looking at it. She would bring it up to Jason or me and say “show you! Show you!” because she was so excited about it.

Since we did this one, I would change a few things. I would only use a few heavy items (like the marbles) and more floaty items (the foil was great!) I also found some other really fun ideas for some. So as soon as we get some more clear bottles we will be experimenting with different types and learning different things with them.

Overall: this project was a WIN!


This little bundle of awesomeness is 4.5 mo old already! (I know typically you would do a 4 mo update and a 5 mo update, but since I tend to post in 4-5 mo spurts you get what you get! ;-))

Feb 22 he will be 5 mos old. He is truly the closest thing to a *perfect* (crosses fingers/knocks on wood) baby that we could hope for. He is almost constantly a bundle of smiles, and so laid back. If he cries I know something is really definitely wrong.  He is very laid back and loves to watch Alex and Kalea play. Big Bro/Big Sis LOVE him so much. They constantly ask to hold him or come up and give him kisses.

He is a super big boy. Well for me at least! At his 4 mo check he was 15.5 lb and 27″ long. He is in 6-9 mo clothes for a couple monthes now, today as I was dressing him I realized I’m about to have to go through his clothes and bring out the 12 mo stuff soon!

He loves to talk, and laugh. He started sitting on his own this week. Emphasis on starting he is definitely tripod sitting, but he likes to and likes to grab and play with Alex’s cars and trains.

On the food front its pretty boring yet. Still totally on mama’s milk  and no sign of being ready for solids anytime soon. He eats somewhere between every 2-4 hours. Except at night when he goes to bed at 8 and sleeps till 8 or 9 usually. Ahhhhh a good sleeper, how blessed I am with that. His brother STILL occasionally wakes up more often than him!

OK a couple pics of the little smiley pants, affectionately dubbed “Mica-Moo” by Kalea.


He is ready to be on the move!

So big!


Focusing all his attention on keeping his balance.

Love that smile!


