Why hello all of you faithful blog checkers of mine ( I would say readers, but at the rate with which I have been updating, I can’t say that.) Who knew I would have to go to work to find time to update? Alex has been doing wonderfully!!!  He is the vast majority of the time sleeping though the night. Last night was particularly wonderful, has he slept pretty much from 8-6!!!!! I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I didn’t shower this morning just to soak up the extra hour of sleep before work. (He had been getting up at 5, which is too early for my liking, but too late to go back to sleep before work)

I get up and feed him, start coffee, feed me, get ready for work. Drop off at my mom’s on Mon, and Jason’s mom on Wed. and get to work at 7:30. 4:00 I fly back to pick up my baby, start supper, nurse alot to get mommy and Alex time. and go to bed. He between 9-10:30, me between 10:30 – 12:00. Tuesday’s Daddy gets Alex πŸ™‚ so we don’t have to leave quite so early.

I have to give mega props to my amazing hubby! On Sat my best friend got married. I was at the church doing wedding stuff from 7:30 – 6:30. Jason had Alex the whole day!!!! They had some great daddy -son bonding time. They even came to the wedding and went shopping together πŸ™‚ Then yesterday Jason watched him while I was at work. Jason still did amazing, even though Alex was having a rough day. He was fighting sleep the whole time. Jason said that is the most frustrating, because you can feed him, you can change him, you can cool him off, or warm him up. But you can’t make him sleep. But Jason did it the whole day, and washed all the bottles and even watched him a little more in the evening while I got supper around. I love watching him be a daddy. He is amazing!!!!

Except for the rare days when he is fighting sleep Alexander is a really happy baby πŸ™‚ He is almost 3 months old already! I think he must be going through another growth spurt because he is eating like crazy!!! He holds his head up really really well. He sits up (kinda) in your lap if you support his front a little. He is such a smiley boy. It is so fun when he smiles and laughs at you. He likes the sound of his voice and will babble and tell you all kinds of stories. Mostly happy ones, occasionally complaining ones but we try to take care of those right away:-)

The only pics I have available to post are from my phone, so I apologize for the poor quality, but I leave you with ….

The many faces of Alexander Jayce Hamsher.

BIG smile πŸ˜€

Mom, enough with the pictures already.

I am just too cute for words

I know Im top dog... (just dont tell Jasper)

Just you wait till you check my pants...

Just blowin bubbles...

  • Its thinking about storming. Ah im in the mood for one πŸ™‚ #
  • Guacamole + sour cream + salsa = really really good chip dip! #
  • Such a pretty day. Maybe im crazy, but i turned off the AC and opened the window s for some fresh air πŸ™‚ #
  • Back to work for day number 2. Only im not doing anything extra tonight. Except enjoying time with my men:-) #
  • Finally home. Maybe a movie another night. #

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  • Its thinking about storming. Ah im in the mood for one πŸ™‚ #
  • Guacamole + sour cream + salsa = really really good chip dip! #
  • Such a pretty day. Maybe im crazy, but i turned off the AC and opened the window s for some fresh air πŸ™‚ #
  • Back to work for day number 2. Only im not doing anything extra tonight. Except enjoying time with my men:-) #
  • Finally home. Maybe a movie another night. #

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  • Up at 5 work till 4, bargain hunters, go see my hubby :-), dover for moms meeting by 7 then finally home for me and baby time. #
  • Headin home to see my baby πŸ˜€ #
  • Me thinks me might watch the sound of music tonight. #
  • lipton peach cold crew ice tea = 2 thumbs up! #
  • Yummy lunch break. Sara s wedding leftovers πŸ™‚ #
  • Back to work. Glad for family to watch alex πŸ™‚ #

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  • Just got up the nerve to trim my baby boys nails. Im such a Wuss #

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  • Going to look at the Tina house #

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Sitting here holding my little snuggle bug, I probably should be taking a nap right now but can’t really so I though I would (finally) post for you. Alex is 11 days old already I can hardly believe it. We are doing pretty well considering we are still kinda getting used to each other. He has FINALLY somewhat gotten the nursing thing down. We had kinda a rough start.
In the hospital I don’t think his sucking reflex was fully developed because he wouldn’t suck on ANYTHING (bottle, finger, nipple shield, me, anything πŸ™ ) The first few days the only way we could get anything in him was by syringe feeding him, but even then that wasn’t working so well. On Saturday night we finally got him to suck on a bottle, and we nearly jumped for joy. So for the first week my day consisted of trying to get him to nurse for about 10-20 minutes frustrating both of us and making Alex just mad. After trying every time he got hungry Jason or I would give him a bottle of my milk, and then I would pump for 20 minutes to have milk to feed him next time. Needless to say this got extremely tiring especially at night! After a couple of nights we figured out a more reasonable schedule for all of us πŸ™‚ Then 2 days ago I tried nipple shields and he actually totally nursed and was satisfied from me. At some point I would like to wean him off the shields, but for now I am just relishing it!
Alex is really a pretty good baby (so far anyway) He doesn’t fuss too much, unless we give him a bath or let him go too long, but he does have his days and nights mixed up. There have been a couple of nights where he woke up every single hour. Those were rough. But Jason is awesome. I get up with him during the night because of nursing, then since Jason works evenings, I wake him up about 7 am and he takes over while I go sleep till I wake up. Since I still pump some as well, Jason can give him a bottle anytime he is hungry while I sleep. I am sure this isn’t a long term solution, but for now it works well because both mommy and daddy feel rested!

Ok now on to the stuff you really want to see… the pictures…

After 37 weeks of being pregnant, 41 hours of Labor (don’t worry it wasn’t all intense) 2 trips to the hospital, and roughly 6 hours of sleep in 2 days, we are proud to introduce…………

Alexander Jayce Hamsher
7lb 8.4 oz
May 21st 9:16 am
Its ok, you can “aww” we think he is pretty cute too!

This is how mommy spent most of her time in the hospital…. yeah it was pretty rough.

Look at them relaxing together already.

He is so tiny in Jason’s arms

His coming home outfit.

He swims in his car seat.
We have had a long week starting a week ago today, but it has been totally worth it! Alex has had an exciting little life so far, he has even been in his Aunts wedding already! But we are settling in, finding a routine and loving every minute of it!
Mommy is becoming a milk producing machine, between pumping and nursing that’s about all I do. Daddy has been AMAZING! He can make the best cuddly baby burrito, does the laundry, takes care of mommy, and has changed his very first poopy diaper. Alexander sleeps alot!!! partly because he was a little early, partly because he has some jaundice, and partly because he is 5 days old. And Jasper has been a dream. Usually completely ignoring Alexander, if he gets a little close all we have to say is “back up” and he does.
Sorry it took so long to update about him, we are just now getting enough rest to find time to do other stuff.
  • Today we get to do it all at home! #
  • Daddy’s day. Take pictures, get everything for mommy, clean pumping bottles, record input and output. Be amazing! #
  • Mommy’s day: try nursing, feed alex, pump, change diapers, sleep, look tired. #
  • Alexander’s day: Try nursing, eat, snuggle, sleep, fill diaper, look adorable. #

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