Has she fallen off the face of the earth???? Is Alex such a handful she merely doesn’t have time??? Perhaps she has aged substantially and is experiencing Alzheimer’s causing her to forget about us?
Nope. Honestly, I am just lazy…. really really lazy…. This will be an attempt at a catch up post. A TON has happened in the last year. So this will be really just the highlights. I have a bunch of pictures that I could use to catch you up on, but that would swamp everything. So here is just a little of the last year-
– Went on a LOVELY vacation to the beach with the Ham’s. (Pics are on my Facebook) Alex had his first taste of the pool, and the ocean.
-We moved again 🙂 Not far this time, we actually were able to work on it all summer, and then when we got back from vaca moved into the apartment just up the road a little ways from both sets of parents.
– We also moved Church (locations) Jason and I are still attending NewPointe, but have now gone to the Millersburg Campus. Jason plays electric guitar on the worship team and I volunteer back with the little kiddos in the Reign Forrest.
– Celebrated our 2 year anniversary! We have packed a lot in those years, I am not sure if I should say I can’t believe it is 2 years already, or I can’t believe it has been only 2 years 😛
– We also took another wonderful beach vacation with the Berger’s. It was fun to see Janelle and Kenny for a few days, and of course any time at the beach is pretty much amazing.
SURPRISE- we found out we are expecting Hamberger #2! It was a bit of a surprise, but we are super duper excited about it. (Yes, what lil #2 is is also a surprise!)
– Full of many holiday get-togethers. It was so much fun to celebrate these first holiday’s with Alexander 🙂
– Welcomed a new lil hambaby -Lucas- into the family. He shares a birthday with Jason 🙂 It has been pretty neat to see Alex figure out how to interact with him, perhaps a preview into what is in his future. Though at this point he would still rather play with the “big cousins” Keldan and Allie.
– Happy New Year! We celebrated at New Grounds, Alex came along for the festivities, he made it till about 8:30 😛
– I had a total blond driving moment (those are the worst!) and totaled my beloved Focus. Once again we were shown how God really does work everything together for the best. We ended up getting enough back from the car to cash off our credit card and pay for a mini-van (which we are well on the way to needing :-P)
– LOTS of SNOW. Have some pretty sweet pics of my awesome hubby shoveling. Alex is not a big fan of snow, even if it is safely in a container in the kitchen.
– Said goodbye to Double G. What an awesome legacy he left through his family.
– Easter! It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed celebrating the Resurrection!
– Mommy and Daddy went to another cold Indians game to celebrate my birthday 🙂 It was chilly, but a GREAT game and they actually won, plus we had all you can eat food so pretty much an amazing b-day present from my awesome hubs.
That pretty much catches you up on the overall picture of our life since I’ve been “gone”. Look for a few more specific updates to come.
~ HambergerMama