• Off to go see my hubby πŸ™‚ #
  • Wish i had packed a sandwich for lunch. That sounds Yummy. #
  • Pouring over a years worth of bills and demanding refunds for unsolicited charges. Dont mess w/ the pregnant lady! #
  • Hit off instead of snooze and woke up 15 min late. But only 2 min late to work so thats not bad. #
  • Now we will go hunt kill and eat a hog. #
  • Jason is a good hunter. We found it! #
  • We are hunting down a fabric store … Hunt hunt hunt #

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  • Listening to the tribe blow it on the radio. #
  • Listening to the tribe on the radio πŸ™‚ #
  • So my belly is the oddest shape right now. Forget cute and round, this is more like bumpy and square. #
  • Did you know that today is election day? Mostly school levy’s. #

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WOW I can’t believe we only have 35 days left of me looking like I have a huge watermelon stuffed under my shirt, and feeling like I have a giant rolly-polly stuffed in my belly πŸ™‚ It really has flown by, and yet this last month has gone by EXTREMELY slowly, and I am sure the next 35 days won’t be much better. I was thinking the other day about  “Remembering when” So I thought I would share with you some of the more amusing memories of pre-pregnancy/early pregnancy….

I Remember when…

I didn’t have to wear shoes that were a size larger than normal….

I could see my toes….

I LIKED sleeping with blankets….

I didn’t have a bladder the size of a walnut…

I could go from laying to standing without looking like a flipped over turtle trying to get up…

I could clean but didn’t feel like it, as opposed to wanting to do nothing but clean but can’t get off the couch….

I couldn’t be entertained for an afternoon by watching my belly change shape as the baby moves ( I actually like this one)

But this too shall pass and I will once again be able to wear cute shoes, and skirts and tank tops. And of course I won’t have to worry about my belly amusing me, because my SON will be amusing me. All in all this hasn’t really been that bad compared to other pregnancy “horror stories” I have heard, but trust me when I tell you, I wouldn’t complain if 35 days, was more like 25 days.


Oh and keep your eyes out for the following posts

* My baby shower weekend!!! (Just have to get the pics organized)

*Baby update (I am seeing a lot more of my Doctor now πŸ™‚

* Nursery finished… (well almost, I still have to organize a few things πŸ™‚

  • Random ten turkeys walking along side of the road … #
  • Anyone have a solution for restless legs, besides wait 5 weeks and have a baby? #
  • I think Sully moved. Now his head his under my left rib. Still not like he should be but at least a little relief. #
  • After an amazing weekend, its back to the grind … #

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  • Off to my family s shower for me πŸ™‚ #
  • Ah i had a wonderful day at my shower. Thanks everyone! #

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  • Lost another neon fish. No really lost as in cant find anywhere. #

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  • Ah the weekend. Felt like it would never get here! #
  • Had an ultrasound this morning. All looks good πŸ™‚ #
  • So tired this a.m. I got a Frappe. No i dont often. Yes it had caffeine. Yes i paid in quarters. No i dont feel guilty. #

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Sigh. I had mentally prepared myself for typical pregnancy symptoms… leg cramps (check) gas (check) constipation (check) being uncomfortable (check) swelling (check, check) etc…. But this one I didn’t expect. The last few weeks I have been having mid back pain. Gradual and dull aching. that just gets annoying. 

I went to my Chiropractor for that, low back pain and headaches. The low back pain is less, about what I would expect for 8.5 mos pregnant. Headaches are gone. But the mid back pain is getting worse. Turns out. I have a rib out of place on my right side. The pain is now wrapping around my back right side and into the right side of my chest. And because I am pregnant and my belly gets in the way and is keeping things “unstable” He can’t adjust it or get it to stay in place. It keeps on getting worse. I woke up 3 times last night, not because I had to pee, but because my rib hurt. Tylenol doesn’t work for me. Anyone else have this lovely side affect? What did you do. I will probably go crazy for the next 6 weeks until I can get it fixed!!!!!

I have a confession to make, I am addicted to cheap things, free things and blogs. Completely, insanely addicted. (There are worse things I suppose). Here is how it started…

The end of last week I stumbled across a blog that a friend had mentioned. And it just so happened that that particular day she was having a blog giveaway. So I signed up. I didn’t win, but I also didn’t invest anything.
But that was probably a dangerous move, because this week it has been extremely S L O W in the office, and I am the only one there. So after I filed and re-filed things, twiddled my thumbs and organized my desk I got on the same blog again, and found a link to another blog that was having a giveaway. That is when I got lost.
Apparently there are simply a TON of blogs that routinely give away free things. Some products are eh so-so but most times there are some pretty sweet things. I have signed up for everything from diapers to necklaces. And I certainly won’t bore you with all the details. But I will share a few blogs that I stumbled accross that I thought were pretty neat.
Totally not parent related, but a cool giveaway I will share are these beautiful necklaces .

Ok my two new favorite blogs to check out -not just for the frequent giveaways-
www.mamasmoneysavers.com lots of giveaways and product reviews. I have decided I really like product reviews, because even if it is something that is too expensive for me, I can take the idea and figure out how to modify it to my budget πŸ™‚
The other website that is really cool is mommies with cents. This website is awesome! It has recipes, coupons, giveaways, and the best part…. They go through all the major stores and lay out what deals they have going on that week. Including if they were shopping what they would purchase to get the best deals. Right now they have photo deals up through shutterfly and kodak. It really is a great resource.
No I haven’t actually won anything yet, but thats ok… one of these days if I enter enough I might win something… and if I don’t… I didn’t spend a dime πŸ™‚

I was thinking that I should probably update something…. before it goes another month. And I was sitting here thinking about what I should post.

…. Would you like to hear about my latest doctor appointment? Where nothing really happened other than “Sully’s” heartbeat was at 160. I gained another few pounds and the doctor had to leave early because another patient went into labor πŸ™‚

… Or would you rather hear about my latest radical idea on how to save money, on second thought I have to gain up enough nerve before I post it….

… Oh but I am sure you are dying to hear about my latest pains (round ligament pains) which are lovely little constant cramp type things that thankfully you only feel when you are awake πŸ™‚

Well I scrapped all of those ideas, as no one except those who are pregnant really honestly care about the “misery” of others who feel exactly the same way. And I sat here with the lap top open, nothing really to write when Sully started to move. He has been slightly uncomfortable for me all day. Not really moving, but feeling like he is lodged under my ribcage. Until the last 10 minutes. When he started getting very active.

Picture this: I am laying on the couch, the laptop propped on my legs and slightly resting on my rather large lower belly. When all of the sudden the laptop moves. Yes Sully kicked so hard that he moved the laptop.

This kid is stinkin strong! I think I have a little kick boxer on my hands.


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