Mon 13 Sep 2010
Chatter Box
Posted by Stacy under Uncategorized
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Alex is talking!!! We went on vacation last week and he changed so much in that time… The biggest is of course he says thing other than “uh uh uh uuuuuuuh” 🙂
He says Hello (Hehwoah?) and usually with his hand, remote, rice cake, Grilled cheese sandwich or what ever is handy up to his ear like a phone.
Bye-bye – with arm motions 😛
Uppa (Up) he also has a variation of this that either means “open” (oppa) or “help” (elppa)
More (he sounds like a seagull) ” More, more, more”
No more – the other day he saw Gramp’s plate was empty so he picked it up and said “no mo” then took it to the kitchen and said “mo mo mo” :-p
He also says Kalea… or rather “Eyea”
He will point to your eyes and say Eye.
Lately he has also been saying “Oh boy!” when you mention something about him getting food or going bye bye to grammies/grandma’s
And of course dadda and mumum.
And he as also said (though only once) “I Duv you!”. Totally made my heart melt!
He is a bundle of energy! Never stops moving, ever. Unless he is confined in his high chair and eating, or sleeping. And the child is like a bottomless pit! I think he would eat as much as we do if I would let him!
He loves to “drive” he will take the keys from your hand and put them right at the ignition. When I put them in the car I tell him to go climb into his seat while I put Kalea in. Sometimes he does, but usually he crawls into the front and starts turning all the dials, holding on the the wheel and going vrrrroooom vrrroooom till I get around to the other side!
He gives hugs and kisses, and holds hands with Kalea. (ADORABLE btw)
He loves to play and wrestle with Jasper, and Jasper is great about letting him do what he wants!
He is learning where his and our eyes, ears, and nose are. He is also very proud of his belly button, and would like to find yours if you let him 🙂
We love watching him grasp new concepts. (like putting No and More together in a way that makes sense)
He likes to make things like blenders, trucks, sweepers, blow-dryers make the “vroooom” noise.
And he likes to sing. It is the sweetest sound in the world. Usually when he is getting sleepy or mellowed out you can hear him singing from where ever he is.
He is also really understanding what we say. If you tell him we are going to see Grandma or Grammie, he immediately will perk up and get a huge grin on his face!
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